
  • Hours

    Tuesday - Saturday, Timed Studio Sessions

  • Cost


  • Duration

    Less than an hour

  • Parking

    Visit Website -

  • Phone


  • Location

    2501 McGee St., Kansas City , MO. 64108

  • Age Level

    All Ages

Kaleidoscope is a FREE art-making space for kids ages 14 and under and their accompanying adults! Located in Crown Center, it is Hallmark’s gift to kids and families.

During each 50-minute studio session, kids choose their own creative adventures. Using Hallmark materials (all sorts of paper, stickers, ribbon, and more), Crayola supplies (crayons, markers, paint), and their own vivid imaginations, kids create a variety of art projects! We even give them a bag to take everything home.

We’re open Tuesday – Saturday and offer 5 studio sessions each day. Visit hallmarkkaleidoscope.com to check the schedule and reserve* your spot.

Reservations are required for all groups of 15 or more. Families or groups smaller than 15 are welcome as walk-ins.